Learning DSA is journey full of gaps !

I am a person who is ambitious but lazy and once that lazy takes over me I lose interest in that topic and unconsciously I try to postpone it indefinitely because I feel like it is may be not my cup of tea or it is so huge so big I can’t this shit for me is real.
P.S. : Reason why did not learn English grammar and I am about to be 22 :)

Yet that’s a story for another day , now when I joined engineering DSA was kinda same I wouldn’t say exactly same stuff . The thing is YES I am fascinated with like how quick and fast google search is or for the fact chat GPT or LLM web search is , out of tons and tons of data storing it and also finding it in such speed , I feel wow! thats amazing but when ever I went to see it it was less interest more the feeling like can I do it its so huge ,vast and giant I used to get overwehlemed sad and leave it that is why I am indeed great at few topics like recursion , backtracting thanks ko kunal khushwaha! but my line of journey has huge gaps

I am pretty sure most of you , can realte to this stuff and feeling overwehlemed is okay I guess but procasting it is clearly never and you have to pay the price . I am sure that I have spend time more in procastinating and delaying things than I could have completed and excelled them in that time , but what to say that hindi saying hits me now - “Jab jago tabhi savera” .

So the moral of story is I am trying again to be consistent in learning DSA , this time I have a reason I have to appear for a MNC interview and they need it, so do I. So I am trying again not only for job but to use it and learn without getting overwhelmed and trying to procrastinate . I will try my best and make it public

All the best to me !
I you want to join , start this and lets try to be more valuable than running behing big companies and packages :)